Unpacking Tarot: The High Priestess

Now that The Fool has taken the leap of faith and gotten everything he needs to make something magical, it’s time to look inward; what are they supposed to do with the tools at their disposal? What manifestations will pan out the way they expect. What is their true purpose in life? The High Priestess is here to help answer those questions.

As the Divine Feminine, The High Priestess acts as the yin to The Magician’s yang. She prefers to work with the subconscious and the spiritual rather than the physical. Though she is more passive than other cards, she is not inactive - she is watching and learning. The High Priestess is a sacred teacher of the unknown. She holds the workings of the Universe behind the veil and she will only open it to those who will listen and understand. The mysterious moon sits at her feet as her robe cascades into water, representing empathy, compassion, and inner wisdom. She is similar to the gut feelings we occasionally get, but she is not in survival mode. She isn’t panicking over the unknown, she is surrendering to it - thereby making it known to her.

Like The Magician, she is a creator first and foremost. Rather than manifesting the world she wants, she embraces the world she is in. She knows that the answers are already out there and she allows them to find her with her intuition and psychic abilities. Ever balanced, The High Priestess sits between the pillars of light and shadow. She is attuned to what’s going on below the surface and her wisdom cares little for what others want to hear from her. The High Priestess will tell you harsh truths, but these were truths that deep down. you knew all along.

The High Priestess Reversed

When reversed, The High Priestess can signify that there is something blocking your intuition. Maybe you’re dating someone new and the rose colored glasses are camouflaging the red flags. Maybe there’s a hard truth that you’re denying or trying to change, despite it not being possible to do so. The High Priestess reversed urges you to reevaluate and repair your relationship with your inner wisdom. Intuition is a muscle; like all muscles, it needs to be exercised to grow. The High Priestess reversed can also suggest that you’re cutting yourself off from your compassionate and empathetic side. Being logical doesn’t mean you have to be detached. Sometimes, you can only get the answers you need by feeling, rather than thinking.


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