Tough Questions to Ask your Cards

Are you getting tired of asking your cards the same questions? How many times can one person ask how their day is going to go, what to do for a career, and what their soulmate is doing? More often than not, people who stick to questions like these will grow to find their tarot practice getting stale and may even drop the practice atogether.

Tarot is an excellent divination tool, but it can be so much more than that - tarot can be used as a reflection to the innermost workings of your very soul. To study tarot is to hold a mirror to the Universe and to interpret what you see. You are the best start for this practice.

So without further ado, here’s a list of my favorite questions to ask while reading tarot for myself. You can do these in order or at random, all at once or once a day. Either way, you’ll likely come up with answers you’ve never even thought of or a whole new way of interpreting your cards. Happy reading!

  1. How am I avoiding living to my fullest potential?

  2. How does trauma manifest inside my body?

  3. Which card represents the archetype of people I dislike? What does that say about me?

  4. Had I chosen a different path, what would my life look like?

  5. What’s the first impression I give off to others?

  6. What does self-sabotage look like for me? When do I practice it?

  7. What stage of my journey am I at right now? How will I know when I’ve hit the next stage?

  8. What am I avoiding right now?

  9. What has served me in the past, but is holding me back now?

  10. What do I need to say out loud?

  11. What traits did I inherit from my parents?

  12. How has my environment shaped me? How am I shaping my environment?

  13. What signs from my guides or ancestors am I missing?

  14. What does my happiness look like? My fear? My sadness? My rage?

  15. What’s an opportunity that I’ve missed or overlooked?

  16. On an average day, which card do I most embody?

  17. What did my dream last night mean?

  18. What kind of people do I attract? Why?

These are just some of the questions I like to ask when I feel the need to do some more shadow work or to get some in-depth journaling done. Feel free to share you favorite questions too!


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