Unpacking Tarot: The Magician

As the first card of the Major Arcana (for real this time!) The Magician comes with some big shoes to fill. The Magician is number 1, making him the embodiment of new opportunities, self-sufficiency, and pushing forward with a confidence most could only dream of. With one hand pointed up to the heavens and the other pointed down to the earth, he is ready to utilize his connection to both the spiritual and the material worlds. He has the symbols of all four elements laid out in front of him - a cup for water, a wand for fire, a sword for air, and a pentacle for earth. He’s ready to use his emotions, his passion, his logic, and his possessions to manifest his ideal life. With all of the tools he needs at his disposal, he can will just about anything he wants into his world.

The Magician encourages us to make the world we wish to live in. The Universe can give you as many tools as you need, but it’s up to you to pick them up and make something with them. The Magician recognizes this and gets right to work. He wastes no time deliberating with others - he’s Number One. He is the channel between the spiritual and physical worlds. His body is the conduit for energy to pass through - for my nerd readers, think about it as Zuko redirecting lightening through his body.

He has the infinity symbol over his head, showing that the possibilities are literally infinite. He has the power to manifest anything he wants, provided he uses the tools given to him. Flowers are blooming all around him; he uses his power to create something beautiful, not to destroy. He surrounds himself with beauty and abundance of his own making - think of it like an artist hanging up their works in their studio. He is his own inspiration. He knows what he wants and he doesn’t just go out and get it, he wants the satisfaction of making it himself.

The Magician Reversed

The Magician is a natural at manifestation. When he comes up reversed, it could show that there is a blockage between you and what you’re trying to manifest. Maybe it’s not the right time to be manifesting what it is you’re trying to get or you’re not using all of the tools at your disposal. It’s only natural for us to favor some elements over others. The Magician reversed reminds us to use everything at our disposal, even the elements that make us uncomfortable.

One is the loneliest number. The Magician reversed can also indicate a feeling of hyper-independence that isn’t serving you. It may be time to reach out to others for help to reach your goals. When reversed, he can also represent someone who is manipulative and who will stoop to extreme lows to get what they want. This can be heeded as a warning and a reminder that you can control no one but yourself - tricking others into doing your bidding can only hurt you in the end.


Tarot and TikTok


Understanding Tarot: Reversals