The Solar Eclipse in Aries

So the moon went in front of the sun today…now what?

Even if you couldn’t directly see the eclipse, I’m sure you’ve at least felt the potent energy of this phenomenon today. The air practically crackled with the electricity of the chaotic energy that is often associated with Aries. From the dawn of civilization, eclipses have been momentous events and have often lead people to believe they signified the end times. While this eclipse hasn’t been an omen of anything quite that drastic, we can definitely agree and empathize with our ancestors who could only rely on the information they had - that information being a black dot covering where the sun used to be.

A new moon in Aries is always an energetic occasion. Aries is the first cardinal sign and is the beginning of the astrological year. An Aries new moon can bring about fresh starts (a spring cleaning, if you will) and give us the jolt of energy we need to start new projects we’ve been putting off. That being said, as an Aries myself, I can attest to how easy it is for an Aries to start a new project and how unbelievably difficult it is for Aries to actually follow through. It’s not uncommon to find a room full of newly abandoned hobbies and drafts for new ideas during Aries season.

While all of this exciting, inspiring energy may be filling you with the encouragement to manifest that new job or to, gods forbid, reach out to your ex, a word of warning needs to be given. Eclipses are just that - eclipses. The moon is passing in front of the sun and covering the world in shadow. This means that the shadow aspects of Aries are going to be amplified rather than the light aspects. By nature of being the first cardinal sign, Aries have a tendency to be combative, impulsive, and blunt to the point of being hurtful towards others. This, combined with the mercury retrograde that’s in full swing, means that it might be a good idea to keep those manifestations on the back burner until all of this astrological energy settles down.

So what can we do instead of manifesting? I’m so glad you asked! Instead of focusing on bringing new things into our lives, this is the perfect time to release. Eclipses have a way of highlighting what no longer serves us and encourages us to shed those things - whether we really want to or not. Change, even the greatest change we can possibly imagine, is ALWAYS hard. We humans are creatures of habit and we will stay in our unhealthy and unhelpful habits for as long as we possibly can, even if it kills us. Sometimes, the Universe has to intervene. Instead of a manifestation ritual, try a cord-cutting spell or a meditation focusing on release. You’d be surprised at how naturally the stagnant energy and habits you’ve been trying to kick will wash away!

All in all, today’s solar eclipse will bring about chaotic energy and cast some wide shadows. Don’t let this discourage you or fill you with fear. The cosmos can only create energy - it’s up to you to harness it.


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